Teräsrakenneyhdistys julkaisee kiinnostavia alan uutisia sekä ajankohtaista tietoa omien jäsenyritystensä innovaatioista teräsrakenneteollisuuden alalla. Tapahtumakalenterimme kokoaa alan keskeiset tapahtumat sekä koulutukset.
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Nordic Steel 23.-25.9.2015
Hanna Grönman (hanna.gronmanrakennusteollisuus.fi), 25.8.2015
Nordic Steel 2015 Tampereella 23.-25.9.2015
Käy tutustumassa tapahtuman kotisivuihin tästä.
The Nordic Steel Construction Conferences, which are held in a three-year sequence, have developed into major events for steel researchers and designers in Scandinavian and other European countries. The 13th Nordic Steel Construction Conference, organized by the Tampere University of Technology and the Finnish Constructional Steelwork Association, follows the Conferences held earlier in Oslo (2012) and Malmø (2009). The Conference will be held from September 23 – September 25, 2015 in the Tampere Hall, hosted by the Tampere University of Technology and the Finnish Constructional Steelwork Association. The Conference offers a platform to discuss a wide range of problems related to great variety of research, design and construction activities. The editors of the September issue 3/2015 of "Steel Construction – Design and Research" select a sample of the most interesting papers from 13th Nordic Steel Construction Conference: Steel Construction 3/2015 is a good combination of research in steel structures und practical applications of this research to design.
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