Finnish Constructional Steelwork Association
FCSA in nutshell
Finnish Constructional Steelwork Association is an organization that promotes and develops the use of steel and other metals in the construction industry in Finland. Our mission includes providing guidance, training, and publications to member companies and stakeholders, supporting billion-euro steel construction industry as a contributor to Finland’s economy, and advancing circular economy goals through steel as a building material.
Established 1971 -> serving members more than 50 years
90 corporate members
- Designers, steelwork manufacturers and installers, roofing & cladding manufacturers, coating companies, auditing companies
40 institutional members
- Universities, polytechnical institutes, vocational educators
Main activities
- The promotion of the use of steel and other metals
- Creating conditions for growth,
profitability and predictability for the member's businesses
- Support for member's businesses by training, technical advice and lobbying as well as through participation in research and development projects and the development of national building regulations and standards.
- Sustainability promotion for metal based construction materials
- FCSA rewards annually architectural award for Finnish Steel Structure of the Year. This prestigious award is given away at National Steel Structure -event.
- Here you can find selection of winning project over the years
FCSA is a member of Finnish Association of Construction Product Industries which is a part of Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT
FCSA is a full member of European Convention for Constructional Steelwork ECCS
Timo Koivisto, Managing Director
Tel. +358 50 408 1163
FCSA/Teräsrakenneyhdistys ry
Eteläranta 10
PO Box 381, 00131 Helsinki, Finland
- Uutisarkisto
- Tilaa TRY:n Uutiskirje
- Teräsrakennekatsaus
- Tapahtumakalenteri
- Eurocode-koulutus
- Teräsrakennetyönjohtajien koulutus
- Teräsrakentamisen T&K-päivät
- Teräsrakennepäivä
- Vuoden Teräsrakenne -palkinto
- TRY Seminaarit ja Webinaarit
- Kandipooli
- Rakentamisen ohjeet
- Teräskattomaalareiden koulutus
- Tilaa Teräsrakenne-lehti
- Teräsrakenne 3&4/2024 -verkkolehti
- Teräsrakenne 2/2024 -verkkolehti
- Teräsrakenne 1/2024 -verkkolehti
- Teräsrakenne 4/2023 -verkkolehti
- Teräsrakenne 3/2023 -verkkolehti
- Teräsrakenne 2/2023 -verkkolehti
- Teräsrakenne 1/2023 -verkkolehti
- Teräsrakenne 4/2022 - verkkolehti
- Teräsrakenne 3/2022 -verkkolehti
- Teräsrakenne 2/2022 -verkkolehti